Black Sea Bass Fishing is Awesome in September and October!

Black Sea Bass Fishing is Awesome in September and October!

Black Sea Bass Fishing is Awesome in September and October! 150 150 Charter Boat MAKO II

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One of the most aggressive bottom fish found in the waters of Narragansett Bay. Known as sea bass or blackfish this fish if from the grouper family and is found in these Northern watersIMG_1493.  Black sea bass, as their name indicates, are usually black. But like many other types of fish, they have the ability to adjust their color to blend in with the bottom. Their colors may take on a gray, brown, black or even a deep indigo hue. The sides of their body may have dark vertical bands.  The average sea bass weighs about 1½ lb. The world record bass is 9 lb 8 oz, but any sea bass above 5 lb is considered a large fish. As a sea bass matures, there are slight variations in their proportions. The smallest sea bass are often nicknamed “pin” bass. Larger fish are nicknamed “humpback” bass because as they grow larger they tend to bulk out just behind the head.